Hello everyone. We hope you are keeping well. We have some happy news to share with you so please read on...
B Mat Distributor
Feathers n Moonbeams is now a distributor of elevated yoga and fitness essentials by B Mat. Please look on their website and let us know if you need anything. We will be happy to pass along any savings we can! https://byoganow.com
We also created our own yoga mat spray. Use it to keep your yoga mat and equipment clean and fresh. We are updating our website form with the new products but for now we will send you a sample size to try with every B Mat order. Just indicate your preference of Citrus or Lavender Mint.

Womb & Sacral Healing & Meditation
The womb is such a powerful centre of energy in women but a place that often holds so much pain and trauma. Take the wonderous journey to release toxic emotions and open to creative energy. The sessions will explore the story of your womb and heal pain or trauma through creative exercises and meditation.
Series of three 1 hour sessions $150.00

Pelvic Floor Yoga 3 sessions
Anyone who has taken our classes and workshops knows that Pina believes the sacral area is not a place to hold pain or fear but joy, pleasure and creativity. She is now trained in Pelvic Floor Yoga ™ and is ready to create a treatment plan. Discover the healing potential of pelvic floor yoga for postpartum recovery, menopausal changes, pelvic pain, incontinence and prostate issues. Sessions include assessment, treatment plan creation and follow up.
Reiki (霊気, /ˈreɪki/) is a Japanese form of energy healing, which is a subset of alternative medicine. Reiki practitioners use a technique called palm healing or hands-on healing through which a "universal energy" is said to be transferred through the palms of the practitioner to the patient in order to encourage emotional or physical healing
Distance Reiki is also available.
Contact for details